The Thesis Theme for WordPress is a great theme and and definitely one of my favourite for developing new sites but it definitely takes some getting used to. I’ve been using it for over three years now and when I was first learning how to develop WordPress siteswith the Thesis Theme, I used a lot of resources to learn the ropes and pick up little tricks. In this post I’d like to share links to a few of the most helpful Thesis tutorials and thesis bloggers…
- Start Customising Thesis with custom.css – This guide from the Thesis team themselves introduces the way most style changes can be made.
- Introduction To Thesis Hooks by Sugarrae – Hooks are what make the Thesis Theme so special but you need to know how to use them first!
- Visual Guide to The Location of Thesis Hooks – Once you know how to use them, you need to know where to find them
- How to Create Multiple Custom Page Templates – Because Thesis treats custom page templates a little differently than most themes…
- Introduction to Full Width Thesis – Most people seem to use the page layout but you can do great things with the whole screen to work with.
And whilst the above are great examples of specific tutorials that I’ve personally learned from… I’d also share the links to a blogs of a few people who regularly share (or have done so) great posts on how to do specific things in Thesis…
- Andrew Norcross
- Art of Blog
- Berchman
- Bill Erickson
- DIYThemes – (Hint: They made the Thesis Theme)
- Greg Rickaby
- Kristarella
- SugarRae
- ThesisTutor
- Wolf-Howl
Many traditional business owners would probably say I’m committing some marketing crime by linking to these guys as many offer similar WordPress development services to myself… The truth is these guys are all doing awesome things with thesis too, so it would be more of a crime not to link to wealth of knowledge that these guys (and girls) have shared with me and thousands of otherThesis Theme users around the world!
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