Earlier this year while exploring the Lightworx gallery in Queenstown I came across a woven light work that piqued my attention. It essentially depicted a wolf wearing a suit but the colours and shapes seemed to change as you observed it. I was certainly captivated, but not in the market for a $25,000 piece of art. However, I was intrigued enough that I took note of the artist’s name “Tim Christie“.
Recently, I took a look at his site to see if a print version was available instead. Upon visiting his site I was excited to see he had just begun to work in the Ethereum NFT (Non Fungible Token) space. As someone with a deep interest in the Ethereum ecosystem, this felt like too much of a coincidence to let pass. I immediately reached out to Tim who graciously got back to me to discuss details of his plan to launch a range of his works as NFTs. Less than a week later this beauty was published to the Ethereum blockchain via OpenSea and I immediately purchased it with Ether, the primary cryptocurrency for Ethereum based projects.
I especially love how the subtle colour changes and animations almost replicate the experience of viewing his physical works whilst still bringing a truly unique flavour to the digital-first version. And with the NFT metadata immutably stored on both IPFS and the Ethereum blockchain, this is something for both myself and others to treasure for a long time to come.
I may create a follow-up post later on the NFT mechanics and blockchain side of things for my more technically inclined followers, but for now I’m happy to share my appreciation for my first NFT Art purchase.
If you’re interested in seeing more from Tim, you can check out the rest of the Biometric Beasts NFT collection here, his maiden NFT drop here and his full portfolio is available here.
I’m excited to see what comes next!
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