Earlier this year while exploring the Lightworx gallery in Queenstown I came across a woven light work that piqued my attention. It essentially depicted a wolf wearing a suit but the colours and shapes seemed to change as you observed it. I was certainly captivated, but not in the market for a $25,000 piece of […]
How to Easily Host a Website on IPFS
“How to Easily Host a Website on IPFS”
Recent Announcement: @Cloudflare are now offering an @Ethereum Gateway to provide a scalable alternative to the @Infura_io or running your own node.
#Blockchain #Ethereum #IPFS https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-ethereum-gateway/
Linking to external content on a #Blockchain based social network like #Peepeth seems fragile somehow.
I’m left wondering what will disappear first; #IPFS mirrors or the linked content?
If it’s the latter, it’s probably best to add context but direct copying risks infringement.
Are IPDB & IPFS the Web Stack of the future?
Today I discovered there is a team working on creating a decentralised blockchain database system called IPDB (Interplanetary Database). They have stated they are building the project with a focus on strong governance, decentralised control and universal accessibility. If the economic model works for storing larger amounts of data then this could be the database system […]