RT @teh_aimee: “Any use of an emergency power [eg increased #surveillance powers] should be temporary, necessary and proportionate.” Some… Source Tweet "Any use of an emergency power [eg increased #surveillance powers] should be temporary, necessary and proportionate." Some great thoughts on #data #governance from @TomOrrell86.#data #ethics #privacy #tech #impact #covid19https://t.co/ZJkxSwWMJf — DataEthics Dryad (@teh_aimee) March […]
Using Wi-Fi to ‘See’ Behind Closed Doors Is Easier than Anyone Thought
“Using Wi-Fi to ‘See’ Behind Closed Doors Is Easier than Anyone Thought”
How Facial Recognition Will Change Your Face
“How Facial Recognition Will Change Your Face”
Why Do We Think It’s Okay to Invade Strangers’ Privacy?
“Why Do We Think It’s Okay to Invade Strangers’ Privacy?”
Facebook & The COMPLETE Social Graph
“Facebook & The COMPLETE Social Graph”