RT @KirstyBurgoine: RT @wordcampuk: Foreign Office finally switches to #WordPress http://j.mp/s7Lh7Q #wordcampuk <!– COOL !!
RT @wordcampuk: WordPress 3.3 Beta 3 available – includes update to jQuery 1.7 http://j.mp/v5o4iA #wordcampuk
RT @tonys: Put #wordcampuk in your Google+ circles http://j.mp/tAkz2u
RT @wpmuorg: “If this web site were a human, what would make it interesting?” Good SEO advice from #WordCampUK
RT @PointandStare: People need to remember that your website is your shop window – investment not cost in a professional #WordCampUK
Does anyone at #WordCampUK have a link to that wow plugins presentation?
RT @GaryJ: Quote of the day from @noeltock – “You can’t scale human interaction” #WordCampUK
RT @hnla: They’re never enough pictures of wordcamps #wordcampuk sad for those of us unable to attend, streaming the events would be cool 🙂
RT @seluvega: RT @wpmuorg: BuddyPress 1.4 will migrate away from database tables and use custom post types instead. #WordCampUK
RT #WordCampUK Use coupon code WORDCAMPUK and receive 30% off any Gravity Forms license. Expires in 1 week. http://link4.biz/gravityforms
RT @pgibbs: Good writeup of #wordcampuk http://bit.ly/9mDllG by @MichelleDhillon is good.
@tonys Just a heads up that I’m unsubscribing from the #WordCampUK list again. Is there no way to separate the discussions and emails?
RT @benhuson: RT @mikelittlezed1: Excellent #wordcampuk clarification from @janeforshort http://bit.ly/b5CVwo
WordCamp UK 2010 – My First & Last?
WordCamp UK is currently an annual “un-conference” held in various locations around Britain for users and developers of the WordPress software to get together. Sessions are held throughout the day where individuals share their ideas & knowledge, network and generally socialise. I had heard of the event before and was even the mailing list at […]
@Japh @Wonderflux I missed the beta window too… Knew I should have signed up at the time! #wordcampuk