Wake up. Watch 2 hour ad. Get on with my day. 🍏 #Apple Source Tweet Wake up. Watch 2 hour ad. Get on with my day. 🍏 #Apple — Ðaniel McClure (@danielmcclure) October 13, 2020
“We Hacked Apple for 3 Months: Here’s What We Found” https://samcurry.net/hacking-apple/
Using Markdown and Localization in the WordPress Block Editor | CSS-Tricks https://css-tricks.com/using-markdown-and-localization-in-the-wordpress-block-editor/
#WordPress #Markdown https://t.co/iL7keryVQJ
WordPress IPO?, Robert Jacobi https://robertjacobi.com/wordpress-ipo.html
#WordPress #Investing https://t.co/8jsCxd3Rae
Three Privacy-Focused Alternatives to Google Analytics https://www.fastcompany.com/90300072/its-time-to-ditch-google-analytics
#Analytics https://t.co/d9vT29VZQl
@shaakunthala @googledocs Or download and open in Microsoft Word. Then Copy-Paste edits back in. Loses some edit history but does the job. Seems unnecessarily complex though! Source Tweet Or download and open in Microsoft Word. Then Copy-Paste edits back in. Loses some edit history but does the job. Seems unnecessarily complex though! — Ðaniel McClure […]
Dear @GoogleDocs, Please can I view two pages side by side? Thank you, @DanielMcClure Source Tweet Dear @GoogleDocs, Please can I view two pages side by side? Thank you,@DanielMcClure — Ðaniel McClure (@danielmcclure) October 8, 2020
One of the good ones 👍 https://twitter.com/samueljscott/status/1313327875559485445
@aaronmcdnz Thanks for the response, I’ll take a look. Any authoritive resources you’d recommend? Source Tweet Thanks for the response, I’ll take a look. Any authoritive resources you’d recommend? — Ðaniel McClure (@danielmcclure) October 6, 2020
@aaronmcdnz Is it based on a permissioned blockchain? Source Tweet Is it based on a permissioned blockchain? — Ðaniel McClure (@danielmcclure) October 6, 2020
Better source with linked docs…
Auckland-based financial services company P^werFinance plans to launch new currency early next year; will later seek banking registration | http://interest.co.nz https://t.co/bLELYBqQI5 https://twitter.com/danielmcclure/status/1313261364148793344
@aaronmcdnz what’s the deal with these power dollars? I’ve seen news but no source. Source Tweet @aaronmcdnz what’s the deal with these power dollars? I’ve seen news but no source. — Ðaniel McClure (@danielmcclure) October 5, 2020
World-first ‘sovereign-backed’ digital dollars not legal tender: Reserve Bank | http://Stuff.co.nz
Choose your marketing adventure: Twitter = CopywritersInstagram = Art directors Facebook = Account peopleLinkedin = PlannersTiktok = Interns — Faizan Ali (@Faizanli) October 2, 2020
Central Banks get cryptic
As global interest rates crater and COVID-19 recessions metastasise, central banks are being forced to re-evaluate their role in currency and money creation. — Read on bluenotes.anz.com/posts/2020/09/andrew-cornell-central-banks-raymond-yeung-xing-zhaopeng-cryptocurrency