Wake up. Watch 2 hour ad. Get on with my day. 🍏 #Apple Source Tweet Wake up. Watch 2 hour ad. Get on with my day. 🍏 #Apple — Ðaniel McClure (@danielmcclure) October 13, 2020
Delete app from device. Attempt to reinstall app to exact same device and iOS version. Suddenly device is too old and incompatible with this app. The joys of #ForcedObsolescence via #Apple Source Tweet Delete app from device. Attempt to reinstall app to exact same device and iOS version. Suddenly device is too old and incompatible […]
Apple’s Product Line Is a Mess
“Apple’s Product Line Is a Mess”
How to Configure Your iPhone to Work for You, Not Against You
“How to Configure Your iPhone to Work for You, Not Against You”
iPhone XS: Why It’s A Whole New Camera
“iPhone XS: Why It’s A Whole New Camera”
An author argues that #Privacy is the best #Apple product:
This seems in line with a trend I’ve noticed where privacy in general seems to be a premium product. Likely as the main profit alternative is ad revenue.
Marketers love data…
No tracking, no revenue: Apple’s privacy feature costs ad companies millions
“No tracking, no revenue: Apple’s privacy feature costs ad companies millions”
What does the iPhone X mean for your app?
“What does the iPhone X mean for your app?”
Why you shouldn’t unlock your phone with your face
“Why you shouldn’t unlock your phone with your face”
Don’t just line in an #Apple world? This tool is very useful! – Tuxera #NTFS drive support for #macOS #Sierra http://www.tuxera.com/get-support-for-ntfs-drives-on-macos-sierra/
Small #SSD drives on #Apple Macbook Pros are a PITA for professional use. Fact!
Looks like @Spotify is beefing up for war against #Apple et al. $115M Investment In #Spotify, now valued At $8.53B http://techcrunch.com/2015/06/10/swedens-telia-sonera-confirms-its-investing-115m-in-spotify
#Apple squarely in #CashCow phase a.k.a “The 8 most important announcements from the Apple iPad and Mac event” http://www.theverge.com/2014/10/16/6989443/apple-ipad-mac-event-8-most-important-things
The new iPhones finally made it over to New Zealand and damn the 6Plus is huge! #Apple
11 Clues to #Apple’s Plan for #Payments – http://www.paymentssource.com/gallery/11-clues-to-apples-plan-for-payments-3018051-1.html