“Sunsetting Mist”
Truly the end of an era! #Mist was instrumental in bringing #Ethereum to the first wave of #DApps with GUIs.
Thanks to all the contributors to the first wave of DApp adoption in Mist and beyond.
https://github.com/ethereum/mist/graphs/contributors https://twitter.com/avsa/status/1109186276144676864
New version of #Mist for #Ethereum. A conclusion to the #DAOWars saga? https://github.com/ethereum/mist/releases/tag/0.8.1
Moving Accounts from Jaxx to the Mist Ethereum Wallet
Want to access your Ethereum or DAO Tokens outside of Jaxx? This tutorial will help you migrate or mirror your accounts to the Mist Ethereum Wallet.
RT @EthEmbedded: @ethereumproject #Mist #MeteorJS #EthereumWallet successfully running on ARMv7 @ubuntu_mate @odroid5 XU3! https://t.co/3i…
The newest version of #Mist wallet (0.4.0)for #Ethereum is out and it lets you import crowdsale tokens – https://github.com/ethereum/mist/releases/tag/0.4.0