Just found out #Sudo is pronounced Su “do” not Su-doh. This changes everything! #Tech
When you realise you are using a foreign keyboard after your password fails for the 100th time… #IT #Tech #Fail http://t.co/douVyPh6FC
It happened. #Winter came and I got me some #TypingGloves. #Icebreaker may call them multi-sport #gloves but they didn’t add those #TouchScreen fingertips for any sport I know but #Business. #Entrepreneur #DigitalNomad #Tech #Accesories
It happened. #Winter came and I got me some #TypingGloves. #Icebreaker may call them multi-sport #gloves but they didn’t add those #TouchScreen fingertips for any sport I know but #Business.
#Entrepreneur #DigitalNomad #Tech #Accesories
Great viral video for #Tech #Entrepreneurs | THE NEW DORK – Entrepreneur State of Mind (Jay-Z ft Alicia Keys Spoof) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exmwSxv7XJI
Trying to download large files on free WiFi with time limits is painful. The joys of #travel with #tech.
RT @PayPal: Our One Touch #tech and #Bitcoin integration enables a more seamless and secure payment experience: http://bit.ly/1oZruyE. #pa…
Interesting piece of #tech history on the #Google logo today… #GraceHopper #Debugging
Pure #tech #geek fest at #LeWeb as speakers draw with 3D printing pens and @loic takes pictures on his #GoogleGlass http://t.co/c2oAE9hl88
Anyone know of a good introduction to securing your laptop on public WiFi networks? #LIP #tech #digitalnomad