Did you like this?Tip Daniel McClure with Cryptocurrency <a href="#bm-cc-btc“> Bitcoin <a href="#bm-cc-btc-alt“> Bitcoin Cash <a href="#bm-cc-eth“> Ethereum <a href="#bm-cc-ltc“> Litecoin <a href="#bm-cc-xmr“> Monero <a href="#bm-cc-zec“> ZCash Donate Bitcoin to Daniel McClure Scan the QR code or copy the address below into your wallet to send some bitcoin: Donate via Installed Wallet Copy <a href="#bitmate-author-donation” […]
The Converged Web: The Internet’s Next Wave?
Whilst browsing the blog of John Saddington, an entrepreneur I recently backed on Kickstarter and co-creator of the Standard Theme, I came across an interesting question. His post described the history of the Internet in waves and pondered what the fifth wave might be… The history of the internet can be summed up easily into four different stages, or […]
The surprising truth about what motivates us
4 Common Domain Name Sales Scams to Avoid
If you run a business or work on the web then you probably already have a few domain names (for those who still aren’t sure it’s the web address you use to reach a site like danielmcclure.com). Whilst it is pretty simple to get set up and buy your first domain name, that is really […]
Official Launch of The New Cookie Policy Generator
If you have a website that targets visitors in the UK/EU or, if you are yourself based within the EU, then your already site needs to be compliant with the EU Cookie Law. Whether you’ve heard of it or not this law has started to be enforced as of 26th May 2012 in the UK […]
Cupid Spreads the love in Manchester
Just a quick post today to share with you a recent video I’ve been working for Pieboy Clothing. You can see the Spread The Love campaign page here and of course, make sure you don’t forget to spread the love whilst you are there So what did you get up to Valentines Day? Did any of you […]
Don Draper presents the new Facebook Timeline
There has been a lot of buzz recently about the changes that are slowly rolling out across Facebook and for good reason. I’ve been testing it all out through my developer account and it’s going to wildly change the way we all interact with the site. Our profiles will become a scrapbook of our lives, online and off. The […]
Get Free WordPress Video Tutorials from The WordPress Tutor
If someone were to ask me what the most beneficial tool has been to my online business I would have to say WordPress. It’s free, it’s powerful and it lets you get a site online in minutes that can make you money for years to come. I say this not as hype but as fact… […]
Spotify: The Future of Music?
NOTE: This article was posted on a former blog but is still relevant today and has been reposted in response to the recent US release of Spotify. Spotify is an online music streaming service launched in 2006 that is currently available to a few countries in within Europe. Spotify users register for an account where […]
Do Capital Letters Matter in a Facebook URL?
When you are running a Facebook page you are initially given a URL that contains a whole bunch of numbers that don’t really add anything and make your page address practically impossible to remember. Luckily after you have at least 25 fans on your page you can update this to get a vanity URL such as www.facebook.com/redbull. You […]
What is Google+? – A Video Tour…
Last night I was lucky enough to get my hands on a Google+ invite and began to test this new social network along with a few friends and brands that I know online. I was impressed with what I found and can definitely see a future for this, unlike Google’s previous attempt with Buzz. So […]
The Price of Music: It’s all in the head
Today I’m going to touch on something that always seems to baffle me. Yesterday I heard that Katy B had a new album out. Being the loyal Spotify user I am my first instinct was to head on over and see if I could find it on there. When I arrived I found out that […]
If You’re Thinking of Getting An iPhone 4…
Yes, I know! Pretty much anything that can be said about the iPhone has already been said… In fact this is probably going to be one of my shortest posts yet. If you are anything like me and you’ve been eagerly awaiting the release of the new iPhone you were probably disappointed to hear about […]
Mobile Broadband: One Week Later…
It’s been just over a week since I transitioned to a completely mobile solution and I’d like to say it’s been a success… Unfortunately that’s not entirely the case. You see over the weekend I moved to a new house which was flagged as an area of great reception for O2’s mobile broadband, the only […]
Mobile Technology: 24 Hours Later
Disaster Strikes Yesterday I woke up to find myself without an internet connection on my computer. I’m currently living in temporary accommodation for a week until I move into my new house and unfortunately after spending over an hour on the phone with tehir tech support team there wasn’t even the hint of a solution. […]